I'm feeling it, like shit.
Since it was Memorial Day and all that, the weekend was a tad bit longer, but I ended up working today because I thought it would be nice to save up some time and a half cash for my maybe/maybe not move. The first interview is this week. Wish me luck....
Anyway, the Orioles , who were swept by the fucking Tigers this weekend, totally killed the Red Sox tonight, 8-1. Nothing is sweeter than this picture, especially to a long-suffering O's fan:

Also, the Hold Steady show Thursday night was pretty nice, except for a certain someone [uhh me] having trouble staying awake for the entire show. Highlights include "The Swish" and "Your Little Hoodrat Friend." Check out their site for an mp3 of both songs.
Lastly, check out You Ain't No Picasso for an awesome Belle & Sebastian bootleg. All you have to do is scroll down a bit and click on the link. YANP is a site I have been reading regularly, and while some of the coverage is a little too poppy/indie for me, I can still give it two rousing thumbs up.
Philadelphia on blast
Usually by this time in May, the weather is consistently in the 70s and we're riding out the spring with good feelings until the muggy summer hits. OK like whatever, it might have been like 50 the past few days and there have been times where I am chilly in a jacket. Enough about the weather because the weather is for boring people.
Tonight, the Hold Steady are playing at the North Star Bar , with Eugene Mirman opening. Eugene has always been a nice addition to Stella performances, and it will be nice to see him in front of a great live band. The Hold Steady were totally on fire last time I saw them, but it might have had to do with being supported by the fucking Thermals....
Here's a Hold Steady mp3: "The Swish"
In other news, thanks to this guy, the Orioles have tightened their grip on first in the AL East. Umm, who's fading?

I am totally over The Bravery .
I just picked up the new Common album. So. Fucking. Good. Seriously, the teaming of him and Kanye has come off perfectly. I am pretty sure this album is exactly what they intended to make when they went into the studio.
I also nabbed the new Sleater-Kinney album. Good stuff, but this is going to take awhile to grow on me.
mp3: "Entertain"
I predict a riot
I have been at work way too much lately, but this coming week things should change. There are some good shows coming up, including the Kaiser Chiefs on Tuesday at the TLA and the The Hold Steady at the North Star Bar on Thursday. I'll definitely be at that Hold Steady jawn, but I have yet to make up my mind on the KC show. We'll see because really, I wasn't too keen on them at first, but I am starting to warm up to the album now.
The Orioles fucked up the Phillies shit tonight . I am so tired of people saying that this team is going to fade as the season goes on. We have a good team, and all we need is one top flight pitcher to lead the staff.
Brian Roberts had three hits and Bedard pitched yet another gem.
Dear Summer
I've been back in Philly since November. My time out West kinda sucked a lot, although I made some pretty cool friends. I was just lost and out of sorts and I didn't really fit in, but I wasn't too keen on moving back to Philly. All I really wanted was my old life in NYC back--AAM, Amanda, living near the Queens Center Mall and all of the shows and fun with friends. My impatience and mishandling of things got the best of me, so I decided that I needed to make a go of it in Philly.
Things have worked out pretty much perfectly here, except for my job. Music industry jobs are few and far between here, and I had one dangled in my face last month, only to have them hedge and then decide that they weren't ready to hire someone. Whatever, all I have to remember is to be patient.
Last week, Tim dropped me an e-mail that might change everything. Tim has always been there for me and is basically the big brother that I never had, and the one that I need from time to time.
Enough of that. This blog is going to be all about music, sports, fun and whatever. I'll keep the ponitfying to myself and my friends.
Feel better Christina. Today was my birthday and there is still time to get hype!!!
This week's listening list:
-M.I.A. "You're Good"
-The Go! Team "Huddle Formation"
"Public Pervert [Carlos D Remix]"
-The Killers vs. Europe "Somebodies Countdown [Fake ID/Lionel Vinyl Mix]"
There's more, but that's fucking enough right now. The last one is from Boom, which always has a lot of great grime and dance mp3s and dance party info. The only downside is that it is based in England.
So it was my fucking birthday
...and I had to work. 26 wasn't as good as 25. I mean last year I came into work with "!!!" balloons all over my computer, and then my boss got me a 40 and a cupcake. After work, I went to The Streets release party at the Vice store, got crunk on free Sparks & Red Stripe and would have had more fun at another bar if someone would have been 21...
I ended the night on a couch in Brooklyn watching Baseball Tonight.
I got a totally awesome present though. Two pairs of tickets to two Orioles games in late August and a weekend at a bed & breakfast in Fell's Point, Baltimore. Sweet! We'll be playing the Angels and Athletics and hopefully be wrapping up the division.

This guy should be running away with all of the MVP votes by then, too.