Interview: Pull in Emergency

[Photo Credit: Nick Pomeroy]
Myspace // "Backfoot" [mp3]
Like most teenagers, the members of Pull in Emergency toil each night on their homework assignments trying "with difficulty" to get everything done by the next morning. But unlike other kids their age, the five piece juggles their schoolwork with tons of packed shows around the United Kingdom, recording sessions, and interviews. They've already made fans of writers at the NME and The Guardian, as well as their own parents most of whom reportedly want to join the band.
Pull in Emergency started in earnest back in August 2006, when Alice, Dylan, Faith and Suneet started pissing around on their instruments for fun. Everything clicked when Faith and Alice met guitarist Frankie "at a party on Primrose Hill late at night." After talking a bit about music, the girls sung him an a capella version of one of their first songs ("Backfoot") and basically "asked him there and then to join." The rest is history, so to speak.

Although Pull in Emergency hadn't set out to be a serious band, Frankie's addition pushed them to take things a bit further. Their sights are now focused on being better than the other teenage acts in London, not to mention "as good as bands twice or three times our age." Influenced by bands with expansive and experimental sounds like Arcade Fire, Mystery Jets, Broken Social Scene, Radiohead, Joy Division, Queens of the Stone Age, and The Strokes, Pull in Emergency's early demos gear more towards jangly indie rock that's upbeat and totally dance floor accessible. Imagine The Libertines with a wailing siren on the mic and you're halfway there.
Although Alice and Frankie told me that they're worried Dylan may one day wind up on a cover of a tabloid for his sherbet addition (no joke, the delicious frozen dessert), I think that the future looks bright for this young band. Right now, Pull in Emergency reports that they're "writing new material, recording more songs, developing our sound, and releasing our first single (if all goes to plan) in April on Mute Irregulars." Cross your fingers for some big dates over the summer, as they're currently only scheduled to play the "Another Music = Another Kitchen" night at Proud Gallery on May 22.
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