Just a Fire

Fred Erskine (ex-Hoover) and Just a Fire will unleash Spanish Time to the masses via Sickroom Records on April 17th. The sophomore release is a step up from 2003's Light Up, released on Asian Man Records. On the debut, Just a Fire implemented bits and pieces of dub, but this time they've eschewed that style in favor of a more forceful guitar onslaught and Erskine's sneering, almost tone-deaf vocals, resulting in a batch of well-crafted Dischord-ian post-emoish type tunes.
No tour dates have been posted at this time, but some should arise as we close in on the record's release date.
Audio: "Spider Cop"
Hey David, the pictures for the last two posts aren't showing up for me... try to uploading them to photobucket maybe?
Great post though, love love love the Starlight Mints.
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