Wednesday, June 08, 2005

You and I???

Philadelphia may not have a very good subway system, but we do have two free weeklies. The Philadelphia Weekly comes out each Wednesday and you can find the Philadelphia City Paper every Thursday. A few years ago, these publications were pretty even on quality and content, but recently, the Weekly has just gotten really bad and the City Paper has picked up the pieces and totally pulled away. There are just so many things I find appalling about the Weekly: its design and layout, the cover stories and a great deal of the writers. I feel bad saying all of this because my college radio DJ partner, fellow writer at The Quad, bad basketball partner and old friend Doug Wallen writes for them, and really, if it wasn't for him, I'd never pick the thing up.

Maximo Park is gigging tomorrow night at the North Star Bar. Who is going with me? Check out these mp3s from a show in Japan:

"Signal and Sign"


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