Let's French

[Photo Credit: Liz Gorman]
Let's French is an inspired little band with an odd affinity for French culture. Their bio mentions violent political revolutions, socialized medicine, and free croissants for all. What's so odd about that? Oh yeah, the band isn't even remotely French. They hail from the District of Columbia and play a brand of indie rock that owes more to British rock music like Joy Division than Parisian salon culture.
Let's French sound like a cross between Interpol and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah--featuring the driving, lushly layered post punk of the former and the energetic, quirky informality of the latter. Add elements of garage rock and surf rock to the mix and you have a dynamic sound that really works for the band, something that their debut album Victory clearly proves. Full of memorable lyrics, sing-a-long choruses, and blistering layers of instrumentation, it's solid from start to finish. I had a hard time picking a song to post, which is a testament to the fact that all of them are really freaking catchy. Put Let's French on your list of bands to watch.
PS. If you live in DC, catch their show at the Black Cat on July 27th. They're playing with De Novo Dahl and my buddies The Dance Party, who are releasing their debut full length. Should be a good time!
[Myspace] Let's French
[Mp3] "Your Name Here"
nice , new to moi
wow that songs a rollercoaster ride! i like.
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