LCD Soundsystem Contest

I am guessing that everyone has LCD Soundsystem's new album The Sound of Silver by now, right? We've been rocking out to "North American Scum" for a few months, and the good news is that the new album isn't a one trick pony, as all of the hip kids are starting to groove to "All My Friends."
Those of you yet to get your hands on the record, you're in luck, as I have a cute little gift basket for you. Included is The Sound of Silver double LP, All My Friends 12" [Dutch Import; Side A: "All My Friends" & Side B: "All My Friends (B Harvey's Mix)"], "North American Scum" 12" single [Side A: "North American Scum"/"North American Scum (Kris Menace Remix)" & Side B: "North American Scum (Onastic Dub)"] and a limited edition silk-screened poster. Holy shit, that's a lot!
I should make this a little tougher on you, so if you want the prize pack, send me a haiku telling me why you deserve it!
"All My Friends"
[Myspace] LCD Soundsystem
[Stream] "All My Friends"
Haikus are so lame
Why would you want to hear one?
Kill yourself now please.
Did Beth (or anyone) ever win this? Ah well, what's wrong with being belated:
Why should I win this?
I was there. With all my friends.
Speedking. Pony. Yeah.
...Hits the nail on the head, I think. Anyway, carry on. Good read, and I actually found you through Mother Vulpine. Good to see somebody other than Drowned in Sound was paying attention there.
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