Pulled Apart By Horses

Myspace // "High Five Swan Dive Nose Dive" [mp3]
I haven't heard one song from Pulled Apart By Horses. They just recorded their first songs on Saturday.
Maybe I'll end up not even liking these guys, but based on their past work (ex-members of Mother Vulpine and It Takes Bridges), this band has a ton of potential. Their first gig will be in Leeds on Feb. 12th, a secret, text-invite only affair. It's so secret that those who are confirmed will only receive the address and time the day before the show!
We'll have music for you soon, and on top of that, we'll have video to post a day or two after the show. There's a ton of promise here, so I am excited to hear what the results will be. Their bio describes them as "disco rock hammering with a large dose of hard-riffing and yelping vocalities."
We'll just wait and see.
EDIT 02/07/08: The band's first track is up and available for downloading. It's bonkers.
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