Mother Vulpine Takes a Break

From Mother Vulpine's Myspace blog: Hello all,
Hope you have enjoyed the summer so far (actually, what summer?). Sadly we have some pretty bad news for you. We'll be pulling out of all future gigs and will be taking a big break. Serious personal problems have arisen in camp vulpine and they need to be resolved before things take a plunge into the bottom of a lake. It's a decision none of us are taking lightly as we all feel very strongly about our music, career, fans, gigs, etc, but we really do need a well deserved kip for now.
We just want to thank all the people who came to our gigs , bought are debut record from the amazing 'On The Bone Records' folk, everyone who supported us from the beginning and everyone who helped us in anyway possible.
It's been amazing.
Thanks to everyone!!
MV.x This is just too bad as they were one of this year's most promising young bands. Let's hope things get better, but in the meantime, at least we have Kubichek!
[Myspace] Mother Vulpine
[mp3] "We'll Be Detectives"
[mp3] "Wolf Song"
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