Tiny Dancers

Tiny Dancers is not an Elton John tribute band. Believe it or not, they're not even named after the timeless classic of the same name. A pure coincidence, the band thought the phrase "tiny dancers" had a "good, positive feeling" and went with it. Any similarities with Mr. Crocodile Rock end there, at least musically.
Tiny Dancers play a brand of British rock that's on the twangy side, as if The Verve or the Stereophonics drank a little too much moonshine and started messing around with a steel string guitar and country harmonies. I've struggled with the best way to describe my favorite track, "I Will Wait For You," so I'll leave it at this--it feels like a booze soaked hootenanny. With a big, stomping beat dueling with an exuberant, driving guitar riff and a huge sing-a-long chorus, the song overflows with a fun sort of energy. You'll have it on repeat for weeks.
[Myspace] Tiny Dancers
[mp3] "I Will Wait For You"
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